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Any man or a woman of good character, whose life and acts have been worthy and honorable, is eligible for membership. It is required that a current member, in good standing, recommends the candidate as worthy of sharing the duties and enjoying the privileges of Odd Fellowship.


We seek to elevate the character of mankind by the acts of mutual assistance and the works of unselfish deeds by brothers and sisters working together around their differing personal political and religious practices. We meet to perform harmonious tasks to lessen the trials and adversities of life. We lift in celebrating the joys of friendship, love, and truth.


People join our lodges for two reasons. One is for personal benefit; the other is community benefit. A person might be in need of individual fulfillment and benefit from one of the many programs available through the IOOF, or they might be offering of their time and commitment to join with others to serve our obligations that build human character and promote a philosophy of life. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs supply both opportunities for growth.


Independent Order of Odd Fellows Spencer Butte Lodge No. 9 meets monthly on the second and fourth Wednesday at 6:00 in the evening. 

Membership dues are required and paid annually at an amount of $60. A $50 fee is also assessed at initiation.


To apply for membership with Spencer Butte Lodge No. 9, please complete the application at the link below and send us a message introducing yourself. We look forward to exploring together all that is possible when pursued in the name of friendship, love, and truth. 

Membership Application

Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Spencer Butte Lodge #9


1233 Charnelton St, Eugene, OR 97401

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©2022 by Spencer Butte Lodge No. 9.

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